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Understanding Early CPP: When and Why to Consider It
New Rules governing the Canada Pension Plan took full effect in 2016. Under these rules, the earliest you can take your CPP Pension is age 60, the latest is 70. The standard question regarding CPP remains the same - should I take it early or wait?
Critical Illness – Are You Protected?
Medical practitioners today will confirm what Dr. Barnard observed – the lower your stress levels, the better the chances for your recovery. When one is ill with a serious illness, having one less thing to deal with, such as financial worry, can only be beneficial.
Strategies for Multi-Generational Planning
The Sandwich Generation, coined by Dorothy Miller in 1981, describes adults caring for both aging parents and their own children. This dual responsibility is emotionally and financially draining. Effective financial planning is crucial, involving open discussions about family resources, life insurance needs analysis, disability and critical illness coverage, long-term care insurance, and drafting a living will. Addressing these issues can alleviate stress and ensure financial security for all generations.
Learn how we can help you achieve your financial goals
Get in Touch
Cathcart Financial
Dan Cathcart, BSc. Engineering
Senior Advisor
Tel: 780-709-0711
9945 50 St NW 5th Floor, Suite 518
Edmonton, AB
T6A 0L4
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Dan is passionate about great financial planning and utilizes unique and personalized solutions. Being in the Business for some time now Dan has developed a process for working with his clients that puts them in the best position to succeed